My daughter enjoys everything she does at school. She loves to come to school. Why would you pick any other school? St Botolph’s is the best! Great staff and teachers who do their very best.
As parents we are so pleased we chose St Botolph’s as we feel both of our children have had exemplary support and care as they have progressed through their school year.
My child is very happy at St Botolph’s and enjoys coming to school each day, his progress has been magnificent and we are so proud of all he has achieved…. All in all we are extremely happy with this wonderful school!
Miss Kuzyk - Lower Key Stage 2 leader and classteacher for the Rock Pythons
Miss Cockerill - classteacher for Lions
Mrs Tomlin/Mrs Pritchett - classteachers for the Giraffes
Miss Tarpey – classteacher for the Zebras
Mrs Jackson - Upper Key Stage 2/Year 6 leader and classteacher for the Y5/6 Gazelles
Mrs Radley - Year 5 curriculum leader and classteacher for the Y5/6 Honey badgers
Mr Wood - classteacher for the Y5/6 Jackals
Mrs Walter - Higher Level Teaching Assistant - supporting Y5 English and Maths and KS2 PPA.
Teaching & learning is also supported across KS2 by a team of learning support assistants.
Mrs Pepper (Head Teacher)
St Botolph's C of E Primary School
Forest Street
LE12 9DA
Tel: 01509 503387
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