SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our SEN team
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to formally re-introduce ourselves to you as your dedicated SENDCO
team. We have been in post together for two years, with Miss Jackson having three
years experience as SEND Lead practitioner. We would like to maintain the good
relationship that you currently hold with us and the school and to ensure good
communication throughout the year. Hopefully a lot of you are already familiar with
us but just in case you aren’t here is some information below;
Miss Day:
I have been part of the St Botolph’s family since 2017 when I began
my teaching career. Since then I have been part of the Foundation
Stage team, KS1 team and the UKS2 team. Prior to my teacher
training, I worked in a Specialist Provision for 2 years in
Loughborough and I have worked at a Specialist Provision Camp in
America. I am very much looking forward to continuing my working
relationships with you all.
Miss Jackson:
Hello, I am currently beginning my tenth year here at St Botolphs
and I have loved every second of it! I come from a Special Needs
background holding a BA Hons in Special and Inclusive Education
and have worked in a Specialist Provision for 5 years prior to joining
St Botolphs (with Miss Day!). I am really excited to continue working with Miss Day
and helping to provide the best opportunities and support for your
Should you have any questions, queries or if you would like to speak to either of us
please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are available on the email address below,
via WEDUC or you can of course speak to us at school,
Thank you
Tyler Kendall-Day SEND Strategic Lead
Fern Jackson SEND Lead Practitioner
Supporting our pupils with SEND
Some children will have specific needs related to their education. Teachers in this school will always give work to children which is appropriate to their learning capability, stretching children who learn quickly, and supporting children who need extra time or help.
The basic skills of reading, writing and number work are our priority, especially for children who need extra help.
In all cases, teachers will inform parents if they have a concern about a child’s lack of progress, and discuss the situation with them. This will be conducted through agreed school systems. It may be that the child will be placed on our Special Educational Needs record. We will always endeavour to maintain excellent communication with parents.
All schools must follow procedures from the Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years. The Code of Practice advocates a graduated response to meeting pupils’ needs at an appropriate level.
Learning Support for Able and Less Able Pupils
We recognise that all pupils are individuals and have their own needs. Some pupils require support in addition to that provided for everyone. Their needs may arise from, exceptional ability, physical or sensory difficulties, or specific learning difficulties.
When concerns are first highlighted teachers complete a ‘Cause for Concern’ form which is forwarded to the SEND Strategic Lead and Lead Practitioner – advice and support will be returned to the teacher. In time it may be necessary to take some additional or different action to enable the pupil to learn more effectively.
At this point the pupil may be placed on the SEN record at SEN support. Strategies and targets at an appropriate level are then agreed and listed on an I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan) and external agencies will be contacted, if necessary, to help support the child.
In a very small minority of cases, children demonstrate such significant difficulties that an Educational and Health Care Plan may be established. This process involves the Educational Psychologist and the Local Authority. The Education and Health Care Plans are gradually replacing Statements of Educational needs (this will happen at key transition periods for the child). A child at this stage will have an allocation of either Learning Support Assistant time or support teaching time.
When possible we provide, from the school budget, a small amount of additional teaching time for selected children. Extra support is used for one to one teaching or small group work as well as support work within the class. Learning Support Assistants also contribute to this support structure. We are linked with an Educational Psychologist who visits our school for consultation, pupil assessment and to advise staff (we are currently allocated three days of her time per year.)
During Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs, where allowed to do so, we will also provide reader support and/or extra time to eligible children. This ensures that a literacy difficulty does not prevent children from demonstrating their true knowledge and understanding.
The SEND Strategic Lead (Miss Tyler Kendall-Day) and Lead Practitioner (Miss Fern Jackson), liaise with parents, teachers and support agencies when planning how to address individual pupils’ needs. Parents who have any concerns about their child’s progress in school should, in the first instance, discuss them with the class teacher, who will monitor the situation and liaise with the SEND team.
For further details, please download our full SEN Policy/Information Report and Leicestershire SEND local offer.