I think OFSTED should consider this school for outstanding status! My child loves going to school and is progressing exceptionally well. The teachers are 100% dedicated and the kids love them, which helps immensely.
I loved this school from the moment I walked in and my son does too. Cannot recommend it enough.
After being in this school for only one year, I am so pleased with the progress that both of my children are making. Class teachers are fantastic and always approachable no matter how busy they are, and I must say Mrs Pepper is FANTASTIC! I love attending the assemblies and school activities because of how enthusiastic she and all the teachers are! Keep up the good work.
All parents are very welcome to join this group which is lively, hardworking and good fun. It consists of parents, governors and staff and its aims are to organise activities to support the school and to promote good relationships between home, school and community.
FOSB organises a range of activities and events, which are of interest to children, parents, staff and the wider community. In doing so funds are raised to help with many activities and projects in school.
Most recently FOSB have helped by supplying funds for our new school provision.They have previously raised funds for a ball court, trim-trail and new FS climbing frame and they always help towards funding buses to go on lots of trips, as well as all the other items that are on our never-ending wish list! The annual Christmas Fayre is always a resounding success - last year raising over £1500!!
We hope that parents will continue to support FOSB activities in whatever way they can. If you wish to take a more active roll and join the committee, you will be more than welcome. Notices are displayed around the school as to when meetings are held as well as regular items appearing in the fortnightly newsletter.
We are always looking for new members. If you have just a couple of hours once a year and would like to get involved then please get in touch: you will be made to feel very welcome! Take the opportunity and join us on one of our volunteers’ night out /meetings – get to know us, have a laugh – no commitment required: the school parent/teachers’ association is about more than just fundraising!
Contact us via the school office – we are waiting to hear from you! Or email us at friendsofstbotolphs@gmail.com
Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month (except bank holidays and in school holidays) at 7.30pm in The Crown Inn.
Kindest Regards
Please note, at events we like to take photos of everyone having fun, if you would prefer not to be in photos that may be published on the school website, please let us know.
Mrs Pepper (Head Teacher)
St Botolph's C of E Primary School
Forest Street
LE12 9DA
Tel: 01509 503387
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