In this section:
My child is very happy at St Botolph’s and enjoys coming to school each day, his progress has been magnificent and we are so proud of all he has achieved…. All in all we are extremely happy with this wonderful school!
I would highly recommend this school to anybody. Even though my daughter is one of the youngest in the year, she has excelled in all areas….Great teachers and great school.
The school meets every requirement we have. I’m happy with all areas and feel the school in our eyes is outstanding.
Q. What time does school start and finish?
A. The gates and doors open at 8:40 am and children must be in class for registration at 8:50am. School ends at 3:20pm.
Q. How much are school dinners?
A. £2.60 per day (£13.00 per week) - children can have them as often as they like, but they must be ordered and paid for in advance using ParentPay. There is always a vegetarian menu option available and our caterers also adapt their menus for children with food allergies. The menu is on a three week cycle with week 1 beginning on the 28th August.
Q. What time is break/lunch time?
A.For FS/KS1: Break time is 10:10-10:30am. Lunch is 12:00-1:00pm.
A.For LKS2: Break time is 10:30-10:50am. Lunch is 12:15-1:15pm.
a. For UKS2: Break time is 10:50 - 11:10am. Lunch time is 12:20-1:20 pm.
Q. When are the school holidays?
A. See Term Dates for details. Click here to see the current academic year.
Q. What do I do if my child is ill?
A. Please phone the school as soon as possible and let us know (especially if they walk to school without an adult). If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they MUST NOT return to school until 48 hours AFTER the last bout of illness. This is following guidelines issued by the Health Protection Agency.
Q. How much are book bags?
A. £8.50 each. We have a small amount of book bags for sale in school or they can be ordered. Please see below for a link to the order form.
Q. Where do I buy the school uniform?
A. The uniform can be purchased directly from our suppliers (Rosebuddies) or (FOSB); via their Loughborough market stall; or is available to order through school. Orders are collected (usually on a Wednesday) and returned the following week. House coloured T-shirts are also available to order. Black shorts and plimsolls are required for PE and trainers for outdoors. House coloured hoodie and black leggings/jog bottoms and trainers for outdoor PE. All uniform MUST be named.
Mrs Pepper (Head Teacher)
St Botolph's C of E Primary School
Forest Street
LE12 9DA
Tel: 01509 503387
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